Paramount Preemies Birthed Into Greatness
My Kota Bear is a global company that provides services and goods for, primarily, NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) families by bringing awareness, and education to prevent pre-term labor and births and overall wellness including post-partum depression (mental health) and health equity for women and children, including maternal and infant mortality prevention.

Our Story
My Name is Dakota and I was born 5 months premature at 22 weeks. I made my grand entrance into this world on January 2, 2017 weighing in at a whopping 1 lb.
I, even, went under 1 lb during my hospital stay at Hillcrest Hospital (Cleveland Clinic) in Ohio.
My parents did not expect me until May 2017, so, yes, I was 4 months early, but I was ready to meet my beautiful family.
I resided in the NeoNatal Intensive Care Unit for 141 days until I got big and strong enough to go home.
So, just like me, there are thousands of premature babies that come into the world and their families are not prepared. So, it is our mission to help them!

Paramount Preemies Birthed Into Greatness
Paramount means "more important than anything else; supreme. When families give birth to a preemie baby, there is nothing more important than getting them well enough to come home and continue to thrive.
My Kota Bear's Goal
Servicing over 1,000 families to date, our goal is to raise funds and collect items to give back to NICU families in communities by donating baby clothes (including preemie size), diapers, wipes, car seats, strollers, toiletries, formula, gas cards, gift cards, etc.
Also, our goal is to provide education and awareness to help prevent pre-term labor and births as well as education & awareness of postpartum depression & overall postpartum health.
What Else...
With providing education and awareness to help prevent pre-term labor and births, we will be offering a Yearly Program to support mothers and babies to ensure educational growth in matters such as maternal and child mortality, advocacy, perinatal equity, mental and physical health, and providing resources and wrap-a-round services for the success of the entire family.

By Shirley Smith
One Black Mother's Fight for Her Child's Life and Her Own.
“Brave. Compelling. Provocative. ” —Gabrielle Union Wade, actress and New York Times bestselling author
In this moving memoir, Shirley Smith, wife of NBA Champion and All-Star J. R. Smith, tells the story of giving birth to one of the youngest premature babies to survive—using her experience to heighten awareness of the crisis of Black maternal and infant health and pay tribute to Black women’s resilience.


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