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Blogs from a Preemie's Mom

Dec 8, 2020
Guest Blog - Great (Practical) Gifts for a Pregnant Loved One in 2020
Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time. In 2020, however, many of the ways we’d typically help out an expecting family are off the...

May 21, 2020
Surgery Day for Dakota
Many thoughts drift in and out of my mind as I sit in this hospital waiting for my 3 year old daughter Dakota to get tested for the...

Mar 22, 2020
Message of Encouragement & Support
Hello, My Beautiful People! With all that is going on, I wanted to take a few minutes and give you all some words of encouragement....

Dec 21, 2019
Affordable, Helpful Gift Ideas for the New Parents on Your Holiday List
There’s nothing like the birth of a child, especially near the holidays. But when that tiny bundle of joy has an extended NICU stay, just...

Nov 2, 2018
Blog - November 2, 2018
Hello My Kota Bear Friends, I pray this blog reaches you well. As much as I would like to apologize for not writing as much as I would...

Jan 21, 2018
Our sweet baby Dakota is 1!
Wow!!! Has One year passed already? On January 2nd (Dakotas birthday) I woke up with a ton of emotions and could not seem to get myself...
Jul 22, 2017
Pushing Through..
Hi guys!! I miss communicating with you all, it feels like it has been forever since my last blog. We as a family have been NON-STOP...

May 26, 2017
To My Husband!
To my are your flowers. Let me start by saying thank you; THANK YOU!! From the very beginning in 2007 until now. Thank...

May 24, 2017
As a college student preps, get ready and super pumped up for homecoming at their college or university that was our very same feeling...

May 21, 2017
My mind is all over the world and back! I am a ball of nerves, I know in my heart that everything will be just fine but I cannot help but...
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