Doing Big Things!
In life I think we all have been guilty of not appreciating the little blessings that God has placed right in front of us. I have always been super humble with a sense of gratitude that gives me so much pride to love the woman I am. However, this journey has placed me on a mental and spiritual level that I know will carry me throughout the rest of my life. Dakota is doing big things today, she is moving to a room with a window!! Thats right people we are moving on up like George and Weezy. To state the obvious, the room we are currently in does not have a window, this very room has been her safe haven for the past 58 days. Dark and dim with less noise as possible; day in and out this was her 24 hour around the clock set up to get her ready for the next level. This across the hall room change will be such a breath of fresh air. I can see the sun beaming through the windows managing to bounce off of Kota Bears butter pecan skin tone. I just may have to get me some shades and sunscreen lotion for the occasion lol. To some people this change may be something minor, but to us this is like moving into a top floor penthouse suite after living in a studio apartment all of your life. This move shows progress, growth and a reminder of how far we have come and where we are going. Dakota is still sitting at 2lbs and there has been a mild discussion on when the doctors will extubate her again. She was scheduled to have it repeated on today but she decided to pull the breathing tube out herself a few nights ago; which did not surprise me one bit. She is always reaching for her breathing tube when her arms are free, hey if I was her I would probably try to snatch it out too. It is a minor set back nothing to get crazy over in fact this will actually afford her more time to get stronger and chunkier :). You know how it goes sometimes we must take two steps backwards in order to continue to move forward. Dakota is the captain of this ship so we will see whats on her agenda for the rest of this week...until next time my good people.
From my heart to yours