Popping Bottles!!
Let me find out somebody is trying to grow up on me! This little girl has went from minor to major in front of our very own eyes. In the words of her doctors and nurses "she is a miracle". I took Demi on a trip to Texas this past weekend so we could celebrate her sister Peyton's 8th birthday. I continuoulsy prayed that God would camp his angels around Kota Bear while we were gone, but who?.. NOT I!! would have known that she would semi pull her feeding tube out? She has been giving us more than enough signs that she was loving the ability to be able to pop bottles but, with her still being on oxygen the concern and constant watch over her was in an attempt to make sure she does not tire her self out. Well HUNTEE!! LOL she was all the way live because as of today Dakota Smith does not have her feeding tube in anymore, so she will be popping bottles all day everyday! Her overnight primary nurse felt as though she was ready to move forward so without further hesitation she followed Dakota's lead. With that being said, she only has in her ram cannula and she has been so happy with this change. Sucking down at least 2 oz every 3 hours I am beyond grateful for this progress in her life. We still have not had the "coming home" discussion or date because in the near future she has to have minor surgery on her hernia and ovary BUT! I am believing God for ALL THINGS! Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. To all of my preemie mothers out there please keep your spirits held high! XOXO